Cystonette Capsules

medicine for cystitis

Capsules Cystonette
L 318L 159

Buy Cystonette

50% Discount

In 2022, sales of a new drug for cystitis began in Romania. Cystonette capsules have a unique composition that quickly copes with inflammation and pain. You can get them only on the official website.

How to order Cystonette capsules

To order, you need to leave a request with name and phone number. The manager will call you to clarify the delivery details - the quantity of the goods, the address, the delivery costs. No prepayment is required, you pay the shipment upon receipt at the post office. Now there is a 50% discount and the price of the capsules is only L 159.

Cystonette will help you get rid of cystitis

Cystitis is an unpleasant disease associated with inflammation of the bladder. Women get sick 8 times more often than men, after 60 years every second inhabitant of the country suffers from chronic cystitis. The danger is complications that can lead to damage to other organs, as well as the appearance of neoplasms. Capsules Cystonette is an innovative drug that is suitable for both treatment and prevention of cystitis and is completely safe.

Capsules Cystonette: about the product

The drug against cystitis - capsules Cystonette consists of components of plant origin enclosed in a soluble shell. One package contains a blister with 10 capsules and an instruction. Cystonette blocks the action of pathogenic bacteria, relieves pain, has an anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect. The drug is ideal for the treatment and prevention of all types of cystitis.

How do Cystonette cystitis capsules work?

The most common cause of cystitis is Escherichia coli - up to 95% of cases, followed by Staphylococcus aureus. Infectious cystitis is dangerous with its relapses, which can lead to a chronic course of the disease. And this, in turn, is fraught with complications that can lead to serious consequences. The table shows the most common complications of chronic cystitis.

Complications What is happening
Vesicoureteral reflux Backflow of urine from the bladder into the ureters
pyelonephritis Rise of infection leading to inflammatory processes in the kidneys, with damage to the tubular system
Sclerosis of the bladder neck Development of a cicatricial process of the connective tissue
Paracystitis Inflammation of the tissue around the bladder
Urethritis Inflammatory processes of the urethra caused by damage to the walls of various bacteria and viruses
Urethral stenosis Permanent narrowing of the canal due to prolonged inflammation
peritonitis Inflammation of the peritoneum, which is accompanied by severe disorders of all body systems and can be fatal

The action of Cystonette capsules is mainly aimed at protection against pathogens and their rapid elimination. The main active ingredient here is D-mannose, a monosaccharide safe for beneficial microflora. Once in the bladder, it settles on the walls, as if covering them with a sugar coating, preventing the bacteria from attaching to the tissue cells and depriving them of a nutrient medium. The weakened cystitis pathogens are then excreted in the urine, which significantly reduces the risk of complications. This is why treatment and prevention with capsules are so effective.

Advantages of Cystonette capsules for cystitis:

Cystonette is effective in all types of cystitis

Clinical trials of Cystonette capsules

In 2022, Romania conducted its own clinical trials of Cystonette capsules based on an independent laboratory. The studies involved men and women aged 35 to 73 years with a confirmed diagnosis of chronic cystitis in the relapse phase. 90% of participants noted an improvement within the first 48 hours after starting to take the capsules. The treatment was carried out within 30 days, after which control examinations were carried out. Normalization of the bladder and absence of symptoms of cystitis was observed in 97% of patients.

Composition of capsules Cystonette

Cystonette capsules for the treatment and prevention of cystitis contain extracts of medicinal plants and trace elements that are particularly effective against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria that cause cystitis:

in Romania, Cystonette capsules are not available in pharmacies. The only way to buy them is to order on the official website. At the moment, the drug is on a special discount of 50%, and the price of Cystonette is only L 159 — see the price in another country. The cost of delivery depends on the city, so leave your number and name on the site so that the operator can contact you and specify the total amount of the order. Take care of your health today, do not allow cystitis to pass into a dangerous chronic condition, order Cystonette and in a few days you will receive it in the mail in your city.

Doctor's review

Doctor gynecologist Constantin Afrim Constantin Afrim
22 years old
Many antibacterial drugs and antibiotics used to treat cystitis have side effects due to the fact that not only pathogens are destroyed, but also beneficial microflora. Cystonette capsules do not have this drawback, the active substances affect only pathogens. Currently, the drug is recognized as the most effective and safe in Romania, which is confirmed by independent clinical trials. It is very suitable for both treatment and prevention of cystitis, preventing further development of the disease and the appearance of complications.